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Biology Trivia quiz facts
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Where could you see a golden toad (before they became extinct)?
Costa Rica
Who invented the microscope?
Robert Hooke
How many bones are in the (adult) human body?
What is the original source of energy for all life on earth?
The Sun
Who is this scientist?
Rachel Carson
Who is this scientist?
Rosalind Franklin
Name two places besides Antarctica where you can find wild penguins.
South America, Africa, Australia, the Galapagos Islands, and New Zealand
Watson and Crick used research done by Rosalind Franklin to create a model of what molecule?
What is a baby whale called?
What is a baby lion called?
What is a baby kangaroo called?
What is a group of sparrows called?
A flock
What is a group of owls called?
A Parliament
Which type of mammal has the best sense of smell?
What is the largest mammal? (Be specific)
Blue whale
Who is this scientist?
Katherine Johnson
What is the only scaly mammal?
What is the fastest animal?
(Peregrin) Falcon
Who is this scientist?
Charles Darwin
Who is this scientist?
Gregor Mendel
Who is this scientist?
Jane Goodall
What is the fastest growing plant?
What is the only type of flying mammal?
What is the main gas in the air we breathe?
What was the first mammal cloned from an adult cell?
sheep (Dolly)
What is the largest organ?