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Ho-Ho No! Ho-Ho Go!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your family member gave you a present and you said you hated it.
Ho-Ho No!
You received a present from your family and thanked them for it.
Ho-Ho Go!
Sally complained about not getting an expensive video game for Christmas
Ho-Ho No!
Sam donated warm clothes and food to the homeless shelter.
Ho-Ho Go!
Terry helped clean up wrapping paper after opening up presents on Christmas morning
Ho-Ho Go!
Zane screamed that he won't eat his Christmas dinner and wants a candy cane instead.
Ho-Ho No!
Pete pushed his way to the front of the line to see Santa.
Ho-Ho No!
Kyle helped clean up the toys when he and his friend were done playing.
Ho-Ho Go!
Jaysen cried when he didn't get the gift he wanted.
Ho-Ho No!
Bill helped his family decorate the Christmas tree
Ho-Ho Go!
Marley bragged about her new shoes
Ho-Ho No!
Mia helped her mom to wrap holiday presents.
Ho-Ho Go!
Sal argued with an adult.
Ho-Ho No!
Connor waited his turn (without complaining) to see Santa.
Ho-Ho Go!