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Space true or false

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The Hubble space telescope will retire in 2025. True or false?
True. [Webb space telescope will replace Hubble in 2021.]
The average surface temperature of Mars is -87*c to -5*c. True or false?
Mars has the most moons. True or false?
False. [Saturn has the most moons]
Fact: Venus has no moons
6 spacecrafts have visited Jupiter. True or false?
False. [8 spacecrafts have visited Jupiter.]
Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 was launched in 1997. True or false?
False.[It was launched in 1977]
Venus is often called “the red planet” because it is red. True or false?
False. [Venus is yellow because of the atmosphere. Mars is “the red planet”]
There are more than 140 moons in the solar system. True or false?
Their are rabbits called 月兔 on the moon. True or false?
False. [It is just one of those ancient legends.]
Haumea is shaped like an ice-cream come. True or false?
False [It is shaped like a potato.]
1 AU (astronomy unit) is the average distance from the Earth to the Sun. True or false?
Pluto has a moon bigger than Pluto. True or false?
True. [The moon’s name is Charon.]
Halley’s comet is discovered by someone called Halley. True or false?
True. [It was discovered by Edmond Halley but not Bob Halley. It will return to Earth every 75-76 years.]
The closet star to the earth is Proxima Centauri. True or false? (If you get this wrong, go to Walmart. They are having a sale on brains.)
False. [The sun is the closest star]
Pluto is sometimes closer to the sun than Neptune. True or false?
True. [Pluto’s orbital path is an oval.]
The moon has no atmosphere. True or false?
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Fact: Venus is so bright that it is often misreported as a UFO.
Jupiter is the 6th planet. True or false?
False.[Jupiter is the 5th planet.]
There are 5 dwarf planets and 8 planets in our solar system. True or false?
True.[The planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The dwarf planets are Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake and Eris.]
The universe popped into existence 4.6 billion years ago. True or false?
True.[No one knows why.]
This is a planet. True of false?
False. [This is Doramon. But Doramon painted his head to look like Earth once.]
There are at least 60 moons orbiting Saturn. True or false?
True.[Scientists has already discovered 62. But their are more to be discovered.]
Jupiter’s moon “Europa” was discovered by Bob Europa. True or false?
False.[It was discovered by Galileo. He also discovered Lo, Callisto and Gymande. P.S. There is no one named Bob Europa.]
Neptune is the coldest planet in the solar system. True or false?
False.[ Uranus is the coldest planet. Neptune’s average surface temperature is -214*c but Uranus’ average surface temperature is -216*c.]