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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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COMPLETE WITH PRESENT SIMPLE OR PRESENT CONTINUOUS: My best friend ____ (come) from Switzerland. She ___ (speak) three languages.
My best friend COMES from Switzerland. She SPEAKS three languages.
COMPLETE WITH PRESENT SIMPLE OR PRESENT CONTINUOUS: Marianna __(work) hard for her exams because she ___ (want) to go to university next year.
Marianna IS WORKING hard for her exams because she WANTS to go to university next year.
How often do you DO skiing?
COMPLETE WITH PRESENT SIMPLE OR PRESENT CONTINUOUS: Luis ____ (do) his homework at the moment.
Luis IS DOING his homework at the moment.
COMPLETE WITH PRESENT SIMPLE OR PRESENT CONTINUOUS: I ___(GO) fishing with my dad every Saturday afternoon.
I GO fishing with my dad every Saturday afternoon.
COMPLETE WITH PRESENT SIMPLE OR PRESENT CONTINUOUS: Maths is really difficult for me. I ___ (understand) it.
Maths is really difficult for me. I DON'T understand it.
COMPLETE WITH PRESENT SIMPLE OR PRESENT CONTINUOUS: Paul_______(do) athletics in the park every sunday.
Paul DOES athletics in the park every sunday.
Complete these sentences with the words from the box: COAT/ COSTUME/ HELMET / JEANS/ SKIRT / SOCKS/ T- shirt trainers. You have to wear your __________ today because it's very cold outside.
You have to wear your COAT today because it's very cold outside.
Complete these sentences with the words from the box: COAT/ COSTUME/ HELMET / JEANS/ SKIRT / SOCKS/ T- shirt trainers. In the summer my brother and I usually wear a ___________ and shorts._
In the summer my brother and I usually wear a T- SHIRT and shorts.
Complete these sentences with the words from the box: COAT/ COSTUME/ HELMET / JEANS/ SKIRT / SOCKS/ T- shirt trainers. You aren't wearing _____________ so your shoes are uncomfortable.
You aren't wearing SOCKS so your shoes are uncomfortable.
Complete these sentences with the words from the box: COAT/ COSTUME/ HELMET / JEANS/ SKIRT / SOCKS/ T- shirt trainers. When you ride your bike, please put on your ____________
When you ride your bike, please put on your HELMET.
Complete these sentences with the words from the box: COAT/ COSTUME/ HELMET / JEANS/ SKIRT / SOCKS/ T- shirt trainers: I want to go swimming. Where's my swimming __________ ?
I want to go swimming. Where's my swimming COSTUME ?
Complete these sentences with the words from the box: COAT/ COSTUME/ HELMET / JEANS/ SKIRT / SOCKS/ T- shirt trainers: You can't wear those boots to go running. Put on your ____________.
You can't wear those boots to go running. Put on your TRAINERS.
Write the -ING form of the verb: RUN
Write the -ING form of the verb: CARRY
Write the -ING form of the verb: decide
Write the -ING form of the verb: write
Complete the sentences with the correct form of HAVE TO: My sister ________ go to bed at 8 pm but I usually go to bed at 9:30
My sister HAS TO go to bed at 8 pm but I usually go to bed at 9:30
Complete the sentences with the correct form of HAVE TO: My sister ______ do homework because she's only five years old.
My sister DOESN'T HAVE TO do homework because she's only five years old
Complete the sentences with the correct form of HAVE TO: _____ (you) stay at school wvery afternoon until 4p.m?
DO YOU HAVE TO stay at school wvery afternoon until 4p.m?
Complete the sentences with the correct form of HAVE TO: We _______ to go to school on Saturday or Sunday.
We DON'T HAVE to go to school on Saturday or Sunday.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to: My mum say breakfast is very important so I ______ have a big breakfast every day.
My mum say breakfast is very important so I HAVE TO have a big breakfast every day.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to: I live near my school I ____get up very early in the morning.____
I live near my school I DON'T HAVE TO get up very early in the morning.
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: We haven't got some / any jam.
We haven't got any jam
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: Can you make some/any rice for lunch?
Can you make some rice for lunch?
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:Can I have a / an omelette?
Can I have an omelette?
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: I don't want some/ any meat.
I don't want any meat.
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.There is/ are a table and four chairs in the kitchen. We can eat there.
There is a table and four chairs in the kitchen. We can eat there.
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.: I'd like a/an salad for lunch.
I'd like a salad for lunch
Choose the correct word to complete the phrase: There is / are two burguers and some / any potatoes on the table.
There are two burguers and some potatoes on the table.
Choose the correct word to complete the phrase:Let's buy some/ any ice cream for the party.
Let's buy some ice cream for the party.
READ THE SENTENCE AND WRITE THE WORD: To make cake, fry an egg or boil vegetables, you need this.
READ THE SENTENCE AND WRITE THE WORD: You have to put milk, cheese and meat in this.
READ THE SENTENCE AND WRITE THE WORD: I sit at this and do my homework.
READ THE SENTENCE AND WRITE THE WORD: I look at this when I brush my hair.
READ THE SENTENCE AND WRITE THE WORD: We put all the plates, cups and glasses in this.