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Living and non-living things

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does a plant need to make its own food?
water, air and sunlight
true or false: plants make their own food
true or false: non-living things can also reproduce
Name 3 things humans and animals need to survive
air - water - food - nutrients - sunlight
True or false: a car is a living thing because it can move.
True or false: sponges and corals are living things.
True or false: not all living things need water. The cactus doesn't need water, for example.
How long does a cactus can survive without water?
What do you need to survive?
Name 3 things plants need to survive
water - air - sunlight - nutrients
How do you know if something is alive?
It needs water and food. It reproduces. It breathes. It grows.
True or false: living things don't need sunlight to survive.
Look around and name 3 living things around you. If possible, show them.