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The Night Before the Night Before Christmas

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When the family sees the gigantic mess, mom says that, "Christmas is __________."
Who do you think made the mess while the family was shopping?
the kitty
In the end, what book did dad read the kids?
The Night Before Christmas
What did dad and the kids do while mom finally took a rest?
Cleaned up the mess and fixed the Christmas tree.
Dad said, "Christmas is about ________ and we have quite enough."
What does "weep" mean?
to cry
What did the family find when they got home from shopping?
a gigantic mess
What song did the family sing on the way home from shopping?
the Jingle Bell song
What happened when Patrick sat on Santa's lap?
He wet his pants.
How long did the family wait to see Santa?
Who did Patrick want to see when they went shopping?
What is a trout?
A type of fish.
Who did the little girl buy "Silly Gilly the Trout" for?
Did the family find any Christmas lights when they went shopping? Why or why not?
No, because they were all sold out.
Where did the family drive to searching for Christmas lights?
the mall
What happened when dad plugged in the cord for the Christmas lights?
Not a single light lit.
What does "stringing up" the lights mean?
hanging the lights
What did the little girl lay in bed wondering about?
What are sugarplums
What did they hang by the chimney instead of stockings?
What was wrong with all of the stockings?
they all had holes in them
What did the tree drop all over the floor as they dragged it into the house?
it's needles
How many Christmas trees were at the Christmas tree farm when the family went?
What did mom burn in the oven?
What was mom sick in bed with?
the flu