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English and Brands
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which transportation is this restaurant?
It`s a subway.
What does IBM stand for?
It stands for International Business Machines.
What does UPS stand for?
It`s United Postal Service.
What`s the meaning of KFC?
It`s Kentucky Fried Chicken.
What's the meaning of MTV?
It`s Music Television.
Which animals tweet?
Where is the sky?
It`s above us.
What's synonymous with "energize" or "excite"?
It`s "charge".
What are the 2 body parts in this shampoo?
The 2 body parts are head and shoulders.
What`s synonymous with "disappear"?
It`s "vanish".
Which operating system is that?
It`s the Windows.
How do you say "concha" in English?
We say "shell".
What products are these?
They're tires (produced by the company Goodyear)
Which animals are those?
They're bulls.
How do you pronounce that brand?
Palmolive (Palm Olive)
What animal is that?
It`s a dove.
What fruit is this?
It`s an apple.
How do you pronounce this brand?
Texaco (Texas Company)