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AEP End of Quarter Challenge

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What important life lesson did Trevor Noah learn from his father?
Being chosen is the best gift you can give to another person
When you love someone, you can make up lost time.
People who are family never really lose each other.
His father wasn't around, but was always thinking of Trevor.
What important life lesson did Trevor Noah learn from his dog?
You don't own the thing that you love.
Sometimes the thing you love will love someone else.
It is better to love and lose something than never to love.
The dog belonged to someone else and was also deaf.
What was the name of Trevor Noah's dog? What did another family call the dog?
Trevor called him Fufi. The other boy called him Spotty.
True or False: In South Africa during apartheid, Chinese people were classified as "colored" and Japanese people were classified as "black."
False: Chinese people were classified as 'black,' Japanese were classified as 'white.'
What is segregation?
the policy of keeping people of different races, religions, etc., separate from each other
True or False: Trevor Noah wasn't allowed to play outside because his family was afraid someone would take him.
Why did Trevor Noah's mother throw him out of a moving car?
They were in danger from the driver of the minibus that they were travelling in.
What is the nationality of Trevor Noah's father?
Swiss (he is from Switzerland).
Why didn't Trevor Noah's grandmother spank (beat) him when he was naughty?
She was afraid to spank him because she saw him as White.
What is a bantustan?
A homeland; areas of land where black South Africans were forced to live
True or False: Trevor Noah attended an elite private Catholic school because his father helped pay for it.
FALSE. His mother got Trevor a scholarship through her work.
True or False: Trevor Noah's mother worked as a secretary for much of her life.
How many different churches did Trevor Noah usually attend on Sundays?
Three: black church, white church, and mixed church.
True or False: The two primary colonizers of South Africa were the Zulu and the Xhosa.
FALSE: The Dutch and the British were the primary colonizers of South Africa.
Who is this man? Why is he famous?
Nelson Mandela - the first Black president of South Africa
What is an "Afrikaner"?
The Afrikaners are the "white tribe of Africa," descendents of the Dutch settlers.
True or False: During apartheid, there were about twice as many black South Africans as white South Africans.
FALSE. There were about 5 times as many black South Africans!
Why did Trevor Noah describe his mother as "The Second Girl"?
She had an older sister and a younger brother. She had no value in the family.
Describe two ways that Trevor Noah's childhood was different from his mother's.
<answers will vary>
How was Trevor Noah like a chameleon?
He spoke many languages, and used languages to "blend in" and change people's perception of him.
Explain the meaning of the title "Born a Crime."
Trevor's parents broke a national law that said people of different races could not have romantic relationships with each other.
What tribe is Trevor Noah's mother from?
In the chapter "Run", who does Trevor Noah's mother blame for the fact that their car won't start?
The Devil
What are the names of Trevor's parents?
Patricia Nombuyiselo and Robert Noah