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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tell me 2 things about a police officer
Drives a police car; has a badge
What does a police officer do?
Keeps us safe
What group does police officer belong to?
Job / Occupation
Tell me 2 things about a firefighter.
Drives a firetruck; wears a fireproof coat; wears a hardhat; works at a fire station
What group does firefighter belong to?
Job / Occupation
What does a firefighter do?
Puts out fires
What group does stove belong to?
Kitchen thing / appliance
What do we do with a stove?
Cook food
Tell me 2 things about a dog.
Has fur; has a big tongue; likes to run; plays fetch
What group does dog belong to?
What does a dog do?
What do we do with a banana?
Tell me 2 things about a banana.
Yellow; has a peel
Tell me 2 things about a football.
Shaped like an oval; brown with white stripes
What do we do with a football?
Throw and kick
Tell me 2 things about cookies.
Taste sweet; many different kinds / flavors
What do we do with cookies?
What group does football belong to?
Sports equipment / stuff; toys
What group do cookies belong to?
What group does banana belong to?