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Compact Units 1-3 (james)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am currently ___________ a __________-sleeved blue shirt.
I am currently WEARING a LONG-sleeved blue shirt.
Although icecream is not __ expensive ___ diamonds,it tastes much better.
Although icecream is not AS expensive AS diamonds,it tastes much better.
I rarely participate ______ witch hunts.
I rarely participate IN witch hunts.
I usually run to Nepal and back before breakfast to ______ fit.
I usually run to Nepal and back before breakfast to KEEP/GET fit.
I love English, in ______ I hope this lesson never, ever ends!
I love English, in FACT I hope this lesson never, ever ends!
My conscience prevented me ______ stealing my grandmother's teeth.
My conscience prevented me FROM stealing my grandmother's teeth.
I always carry garlic with me, in _________ I come across a vampire.
I always carry garlic with me, in CASE I come across a vampire.
My parents only ___________ me eat brains at the weekend.
My parents only LET me eat brains at the weekend.
Fortunately, I don't have _____________ dinosaurs in my garden.
Fortunately, I don't have MANY/ANY dinosaurs in my garden.
I'm really looking ______________ to the christmas holidays!
I'm really looking FORWARD to the christmas holidays!
I love p_______________ on stage.
I love performing on stage.
I always ________ in my homework on time!
I always HAND in my homework on time!
At break time we often hang out in the p__________
At break time we often hang out in the PLAYGROUND