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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When you drive across many European Union borders, you mustn't / don't have to show your passport.
don't have to
When you open the photocopier, you mustn't / don't have to touch this part here; it's very hot.
I've never been able to / could dance well, though both my parents are good dancers.
been able to
I wasn't able to / couldn't find the time do much homework.
I like ______ do what I want when I'm on holiday.
being able to
We won't _______ to meet tonight, I'm working.
be able to meet
Excuse me, do you think you _______ help me with my bags?
He _______ play the piano when he was only four years old.
could / was able to (formal)
I've invited Mark to the party, but I don't think he'll ________ come.
will be able to
I started reading Harry Potter, but I _________ finish it. It was too long.
couldn't/wasn't able to
If you are late to class you ought to / should say sorry to the teacher.
I think you should / must go to bed early tonight.
You mustn't / don't have to touch electrical things when your hands are wet.
It's Hana's birthday tomorrow. I mustn't / shouldn't forget to phone her.
You ought to / have to pay a fine if you don't return your library books on time.
have to
Jerry doesn't have to / mustn't get up early this morning. He isn't going to work.
doesn't have to
You must / have to get a visa if you want to go to Cuba.
Living at home is great. I mustn't / don't have to do anything because my mum does it for me.
don't have to
You mustn't / don't have to tell anyone what I've just told you. It's a secret.
No thanks. I mustn't / shouldn't eat any more cake. I'm on a diet.
Jerry doesn't have to / mustn't get up early this morning. He isn't going to work.
doesn't have to