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Food Containers

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is it?
a basket of fruit
a basket of frut
a basket of vegetables
a basketball of fruits
What is it?
a carton of juice
a carton of yuis
a carton of juis
a carton of juise
What is it?
a can of soda
a can of sofa
a can of coca
a can of soya
What is it?
a glass of lemonade
a glass of limonade
a glass of lemon
a glass of limon
What is it?
a slice of pizza
a slice of picza
a slice of piza
a slice of pitza
What is it?
a bag of chips
a bag of ships
a bag of cheaps
a bag of cheese
What is it?
a cone of ice cream
a cone of I scream
a cone of eyes cream
a come of ise cream
What is it?
a loaf of bread
a loaf of break
a loaf of breat
a loaf of bred
What is it?
a jar of jam
a jar of ham
a jar of yam
a jar of Llam
What is it?
A carton of eggs
A bottle of egg
A jar of egg
A glass of egg
What is it?
A jar of jam
A cup of jam
A loaf of jam
A bowl of jam
What is it?
A slice of bread
A can of bread
A bag of bread
A cone of bread
What is it?
a box of cereal
a slice of cereal
a cone of cereal
a bowl of cereal
What is it?
a can of soup
a bag of soup
a carton of soup
a cup of soup
What is it?
a carton of juice
a slice of juice
a bottle of juice
a glass of juice
What is it?
a plate of lasagna
a glass of lasagna
a bar of lasagna
a bowl of lasagna
What is it?
a bowl of soup
a bag of soup
a loaf of soup
a bar of soup
What is it?
a bottle of water
a glass of water
a can of water
a jar of water
What is it?
a spoon/spoonful of peanut butter
a cup of peanut butter
a bag of peanut butter
a carton of peanut butter
What is it?
a fork of spaghetti
a cone of spaghetti
a bowl of spaghetti
a loaf of spaghetti
What is it?
a jar of honey
a cup of honey
a glass of honey
a bag of honey
What is it?
a slice of cake
a loaf of cake
a bar of cake
a cone of cake
What is it?
a slice of cheese
a bar of cheese
a loaf of cheese
a jar of cheese
What is it?
a bar of butter
a slice of butter
a cup of butter
a glass of butter
What is it?
a bag of sugar
a loaf of sugar
a jar of sugar
a carton of sugar
What is it?
a glass of milk
a bowl of milk
a cup of milk
a jar of milk
What is it?
a bar of chocolate
a cone of chocolate
a slice of chocolate
a bag of chocolate
What is it?
a cup of coffee
a jar of coffee
a cone of coffee
a glass of coffee