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B1 skills

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Writing Part 1: Transform at least 3 out of these 5 sentences
1. ... have 2. ... we... 3. ... borrowed ... 4. ... enjoy ... 5. ... less ...
Writing Part 1: Transform at least 3 out of these 5 sentences.
1 ... yet. 2. .. came ... 3. ... took ... 4. ... started ... 5. ... if ...
Writing Part 1: Transform at least 3 out of these 5 sentences.
1. .. did you live... 2. ... far from... 3. ... as large as ... 4. ... to paint.. 5. .. such nice ..
Writing: What is the word count in Part 3 - writing a story or an informal letter?
about 100 words
Writing: What is the word count in Part 2 - writing a message, postcard, email or a note?
35 - 45 words
Writing: What is the time limit for writing?
45 min
Writing: How many tasks are there in the WRITING section?
Part 4: What do you do to relax?
Part 4: Are social media good or bad for young people?
Part 4: Is it better to have a lot of friends or a few close friends?
Part 3: Describe the picture
Part 3: Describe the picture
Part 3: Describe the picture
Part 3: Describe the picture
Part 3: Describe the picture
Part 4: Do you prefer going out with friends or staying at home?
Part 2: A young man on holiday in North America wants to buy a present to take home to his parents. Talk together about the different presents he could buy, and say which would be best..
Part 2: A boy is leaving his school because his parents are going to work in another country. The students in the class want to give hime a present. Talk about the different presents and decide which would be the best. 2-3 min
Part 1: What do you enjoy doing in your free time? 30 sec
Part 1: What is your favourite school subject? 30 sec
Part 1: Talk about your town. 1 min
Part 1: Talk about your country. 1 min
Part 1: Talk about yourself. 1 minute