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Mustn't vs. don't have to

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We mustn't use the emergency exit unless it's an emergency. Yes/No
She mustn't bring an umbrella. It isn’t raining. Yes/No
No: You don't have to bring an umbrella. It isn’t raining.
They __________ forget to bring their tickets to the concert.
You __________ take your shoes off when entering this house. It’s polite but not required.
don't have to
You __________ eat in the library. It's against the rules.
They __________ attend the meeting if they don’t want to. It’s optional.
don't have to
You __________ tell anyone about the surprise party. It's a secret.
She __________ wear a uniform to work. It's optional.
doesn't have to
We __________ forget to lock the door before leaving the house.
She doesn't have to come to work late. The boss will be angry. Yes/No
No: She mustn't come to work late. The boss will be angry.
We mustn't clean the house today. It's not a big deal. Yes/No
No: We don't have to clean the house today. it's not a big deal.
You don't have to smoke in the restaurant. It's not allowed. Yes/No
No: You mustn't smoke in the restaurant. It's not allowed.
You __________ use your phone while driving. It's dangerous.
They __________ pay for the drinks because it's included in the ticket price.
don't have to
You __________ tell anyone this secret. It's confidential.
You __________ park your car here. It's a no-parking zone.
You __________ bring your own lunch to the office. They provide food for everyone.
don't have to
You __________ touch the artwork in the museum.