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Advanced Gold Modifying adverbs and comparing

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When they arrived, they were s________ sur____________ to find that the entry fee had doubled
somewhat surprised
Their new teacher is q______ exc________
quite exceptional
The spider I saw in my bathtub was a_________ e___________
absolutely enormous
The number of people that turned up to see him arrive was _____________ staggering
quite/totally/completely etc
I don't know why you won't do it, it's ___________ safe
perfectly/really/very etc
Getting 100% in such a difficult exam is ________ impossible
practically/utterly/absolutely etc
They had no money, no food and felt the situation was ________ hopeless
He was ___________ furious when he found out the watch he had bought was a fake
I'm not _________ convinced that they are innocent
Can we turn on the air con please? It's ________ boiling in here
They were __________ injured/hurt in the crash
I think it's time we were _________ honest with each other
When they found him, he was ________ alive
Please don't tell me what to do, I am perfectly _________ of what is necessary
Wrap up warm, it's __________ cold outside
bitterly, icy, freezing, really etc
The Advanced exam is a great _______ harder than the First
Travelling by metro is sometimes not ______ quicker than by bus
That book is ________ near as useful as the one we had last year
She has dark hair ______ her mother
It was ______ far her best performance