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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 things I like.
Students' own
Name 3 things I hate?
Students' own
What was the average mark for the essays you did? 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11?
What colocates with "hiding" and "meeting? area / place / space / room
There isn't enough leg_____ on a ryanair plane. room / space
What are the two suffixes for help?
Helpless and Helpful
What is the prefix for "information"?
What is the prefix for "understand"?
Which has commas: Defining or non defining relative clauses? Which pronoun can I not use if there are commas?
Non defining / that
Name 5 relative pronouns.
Students' own
How do I feel if I am "a bit off colour"?
Not well.
What does "over the moon" mean?
Really happy.
How do I feel if I am "coming down with something"?
Like I am getting ill.
What does taken aback mean?
Name a brand I am loyal to.
What is the negative prefix of "loyal"?
What does "fasten" mean?
To connect two things like a seatbelt.
What two relative pronouns do I use after a preposition?
which and whom
I never_____my writings before I hand them in. keep an eye on/check
What do you call the dog that helps blind people?
A guide dog.
Rephrase this as a mixed conditional. "I don't like horchata. I didn't drink it yesterday."
If I liked horchata I would have drunk it yesterday.
Rephrase this using "wish". I want my neighbour to stop playing RosalĂ­a.
I wish my neighbour would stop playing RosalĂ­a.
Rephrase this using "wish". I regret giving my grandmother Covid.
I wish I hadn't give my grandmother Covid.
What is the negative adjective of "will"?
What do you call the mark left on skin after you hit it?