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GG3 U2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Shopping is ... (boring) activity in the world!
the most boring
This T-shirt is too small for me. This T-shirt isn't ... (big).
big enough
Jack is younger than Meg. Jack ... old ... Meg.
isn't as old as
Jack is stronger than Meg. Meg ... strong ... Jack.
isn't as strong as
Meg is messier than Jack. Jack ... messy ... Meg.
isn't as messy as
Jack and Meg are intelligent. Jack ... intelligent ... Meg.
is as intelligent as
Meg and Jack are short. Meg ... short ... Jack.
is as short as
This game is too boring. This game isn't ... (interesting).
interesting enough
Jim can't drive a car because he isn't old enough. He's ... (young).
too young
These jeans are too dirty. These jeans aren't ... (clean).
clean enough
The blue dress isn't cheap enough. The blue dress is ... (expensive).
too expensive
You aren't good at music, but I'm ... (bad) than you.
Sue is ... (sporty) than Tom.
Mum is ... (organised) than Dad.
more organized
This bag is ... (expensive) one in the shop.
the most expensive
Judy is a ... (good) dancer than her brother.
This is ... (big) cinema in our town.
the biggest
Who is ... (fast) runner in the team?
the fastest