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Materials Assignment

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Two candidates can work on producing one piece of material for the materials assignment.
Yes, actually the four of us are using the same materials
Yes, sharing is caring
The word count of the materials assignment is _______________.
600 - 700
600 - 650
500 - 600
600 - 750
The materials assignment weighting is __________________.
Pass criteria include a reference to the motivational aspect of materials, which can include the overall quality of presentation.
Nobody's ever told anything about this!
This statement is full of lies!
CPs are given several minutes to introduce their materials assignment. What should you talk about?
rational and evaluation
rational and challenges
challenges and design
design and conquer!
The materials should not be designed for a specific group of students in mind.
Yes, it should be generic.
I don't know
You can use a worksheet as your materials assignment.
yes, and I will download it from the internet.
yes, I will get ChatGPT to design it for me.
When is the moderation day planned to be?
14th of November
The moderator may ask about one of the following topics during the interview.
Classroom management​, Lesson planning​, Learner motivation​, Selection and appropriateness of materials​, Lesson pacing​, Adaptability
In order to pass the Materials Assignment interviews, CPs should be able to satisfactorily address all of the following issues:
pedagogical, communication, analytic and reflective skills
coomunication, pedagogial, alayic and relective skills
planning, designing, debating, and presenting skills
pedagogical, communication, presenting and reflective skills
You must use your materials in one of the TPs and highlight this in your lesson plan.
I don't know
What materials assignment!
The materials should not be designed for a specific group of students in mind.
Yes, it should be generic.
I don't know