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Anger Management

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is it ok for you to hit, yell or throw things because you are angry?
When was the last time you got angry and what did you do?
Various Answers
Do you make good decisions when you are angry?
What does it mean to act out anger?
Expressing anger, fighting, yelling...
What are some ways we can increase frustration tolerance?
Deep breaths, positive self-talk, counting, taking a break, using “I-messages”...
What is Frustration Tolerance ?
To not be reactive to something that is upsetting to you and be okay with feeling frustrated/ sit with the feeling...
Anger can be accompanied by a lot of different feelings. Does anyone know what other feelings might accompany anger?
Disappointment, worry, embarrassment, jealousy, anxiety, shame, sadness, fear, frustration, guilt, annoyance...
What are some of my triggers for when I become frustrated or angry?
Various answers
What are some strategies I can use when I am starting to feel frustrated or angry?
Take a break, Take deep breaths, talk to someone, exercise...
True or false: Being angry always leads to aggression.
Name 3 things that make you angry- your anger triggers.
Various answers
What is something that you can do at home to calm down?
Various answers
What are 3 healthy coping skills?
Ex: Take a walk, breathe, exercise, ask for a break, count to 10...
What are 2 unhealthy coping skills?
Hitting someone, punching a wall, yelling, eating too much, sleeping too much...
What are some warning signs that I am getting angry?
Feeling tense, heart beats faster, thoughts are racing, saying mean things...
Which Zone am I in when I am out of control and what strategies can I use?
Red Zone - take a Break, take deep breaths, go for a walk...
Have you ever said or done something out of anger that you regret later?
Open ended question - various answers
How can I let someone know that I am becoming upset before I get out of control?
Ask them to stop, tell them you need a break, take a deep breath and think before speaking...
True of False:  Anger is a normal emotion.
True - When something upsets you, it is normal to get upset or feel anger.