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The Speckled Band

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Who and what was there in the garden of the house? Why?
There were wild animals and gypsies. Dr. Roylott like the company of these animals and people.
What was there in Julia's room?
In Julia's room there was a bed fixed to the floor, an air vent and a bellrope.
Who was Helen and why did she need Sherlock's help?
Helen was Julia's sister and she needed his help because she was afraid she was going to die like her sister.
Where was Julia's room?
Julia's room was between the Dr Roylott's room and Helen's room.
What was the speckled band?
The speckled band was a poisonous snake used by Dr. Roylott to kill julia.
Why did Roylott want the sisters to be dead?
Dr. Roylott wanted the sisters dead because he wanted to get the family money.
What did Helen hear when her sister was killed?
When Julia died she heard a whistle.
What was there in Dr. Roylotts room and what was it for?
In Dr. Roylott's room there was a metal box and a bowl of milk. They were to feed and keep a poisonous snake.
Why did Helen have to move to Julia's room?
Helen had to move Julia's room becuase her's was getting fixed.
Who was Julia and what happened to her?
Julia was Helen's sister and she died before getting married.