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Chapter 1: Working with Young Children Review fo ...

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is responsible for overseeing the childcare programs, hiring employees, and finances?
Director of the Daycare Center
Name two characteristics of a successful teacher.
patience, compassion, confidence, love for children, sense of humor, creative
List two responsibilities of an early childhood teacher.
Prepare environment, communicate effectively, teamwork/leadership,manage time, participate in professional organizations, continue to learn
Name two early childhood careers.
Infant/Toddler teacher/PreK Teacher/Kindergarten Teacher/Daycare Director
Name two characteristics of a successful teacher.
Compassion, confindence, love for children, sense of humor, management
What must one create 6 months prior to receiving their associates/bachelors?
Why is there a more demanding need for child care? Give 2 reasons
Change in families, Benefits the economy, educational studies, education attitudes.
How do children learn best? Through _ _ _ _.
How do children learn best?
How do children learn best?
NAEYC is the largest professional teacher organization for young children. What does NAEYC stand for?
National Education of Young Children
How does the environment affect children?
Young children are like sponges. Everything they see, hear, feel, and touch has a larger effect on them than we might realize.
Who is responsible for planning the curriculum and teaching the children?
Classroom teacher
Licensing Specialist
What percentage of mothers with preschool children work outside of the home?
What is child care assistance offered to employees called?
Corporate Sponsored Childcare
Quality Care
Educational Care
When children communicate with others, form relationships, learn to share, and develop friendships.
Social Dev
Emotional Dev
Physical Dev
Intellectual Dev
Growth in the mental processes used to gain knowledge, such as imagination.
Intellectual Dev
Social Dev
Physical Dev
Emotional Dev
A person who creates and owns a business.
Licensed Specialist
Child Development Associate
Employed by the state. The role of this person is to protect and promote the health, safety, and welfare of children attending careers.
Licensing Specialist
Pre-k Teacher
The use of fine and gross motor skills.
Physical Dev
Social Dev
Emotional Dev
Intellectual Dev
A person from a foreign country who lives with a family
Au Pair
Guiding set of moral principles
Social Dev
Emotional Dev
Early Childhood
People who have this credential have taken post secondary courses in childcare
Child Development Associate
Developmentally Appropriate Practice
Social Development
Au Pair
Provides care in a child's home
Au Pair
Early Childhood
How children express their feelings.
Emotional Development
Physical Development
Social Development
Covers the period from birth to 9 years old.
Early Childhood
High School
A set of guidelines that focus on the outcome of learning activities. DAP is based on the idea that children learn from play.
Developmentally Appropriate Practice
Early Childhood
Social Development
Refers to the full range of early childhood programs.
Au pair
Early Childhood