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Food 2

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Guess the food: it's a summer fruit. You can drink it and eat it.
Guess the food: it's a drink. You can make it with fruits.
Guess the food: it's green and comes from the ground. You eat it with salt, but some people like it with sugar.
Guess the food: it comes from a bird. You can cook or fry it.
Guess the food: you can eat it with cheese, tomato sauce or ground beef.
What do americans usually eat for breakfast?
Guess the food: it's yellow and sour. It's big. It's a summer fruit. It's spiky.
Think about a food and describe it to your friends, they have to guess what it is.
Guess the food: it's rounded and big. It has a lot of seeds.
Guess the food and the group: it's an animal, it can swim
Guess the food: it's rounded, the pieces are cut in triangles and there is a lot of cheese on it
Name 1 bitter food
Name a dish that can be salty or sweet
Name 4 salty food
Name 4 sweet food
Name 2 sour food