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Geometry Game: 2-D Figures

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Using a protractor, Jacob drew a triangle with all equal angles. What type of triangle did he draw? Use 2 names.
an equilateral, acute triangle
All triangles have at least _____ acute angles.
What are the properties of a square? I'm looking for the most specific properties.
A square is a parallelogram with 4 congruent (equal) sides and 4 right angles.
What are the properties of a trapezoid?
A trapezoid is a special quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel sides.
What are the properties of a quadrilateral?
A quadrilateral has 4 sides and 4 angles.
True or False: A trapezoid is also a parallelogram.
False: A trapezoid only has 1 pair of parallel sides and a parallelogram has 2 pairs.
True of False: A parallelogram is also a trapezoid.
True, because a parallelogram technically has at least one pair of parallel sides like a trapezoid.
True or False: A rectangle can be classified as a rhombus.
False, because a rectangle does not have congruent (equal) sides.
What is true of any polygon?
It is a closed shape with at least 3 straight sides and 3 angles.
True or False: All  3 sides of an isosceles triangle are congruent.
False: Only 2 sides are congruent and the third side is different.
Name 4 polygons that  have 2 pairs of opposite parallel sides.
parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square
What is the greatest number of right angles any triangle can have?
only 1
Which statement is NOT true?
A,  because a trapezoid is NEVER a rectangle because it doesn't have 2 pairs of parallel sides.
A rectangle has one side that is 6 centimeters long and another side that is 4 centimeters long. What is the perimeter of the rectangle?
20 centimeters
Classify this triangle by its sides and angles.
Isosceles, obtuse
Parker says that this shape is a parallelogram. Is he correct? Why or why not.
Parker is not correct because the "kite" does NOT have 2 pairs of opposite parallel sides.
Which color flags show only parallelograms?
red, blue, and orange
Which 2-D figure can be classified using every name on the Venn diagram?
Quinn says that the figure is a rhombus, but Brooke disagrees. Who is correct and why?
Brooke is correct because the figure is a parallelogram. A rhombus ALWAYS has congruent (equal) sides and a parallelogram had 2 pairs of opposite equal sides.
True or False: Every trapezoid is a quadrilateral.
True or False: Rhombuses are always parallelograms.
True, because rhombuses have 2 pairs of parallel sides.
This question has 2 parts. Part 1 - What is a regular polygon? Part 2 - Name an example..
A regular polygon has congruent (equal) sides AND congruent (equal) angles.Examples: square, equilateral triangle
Look at the quadrilaterals. Name the shapes that can only be classified as quadrilaterals AND trapezoids
O, R, and S
Which of the following statements is NOT true?
It is C because a trapezoid has 1 pair of parallel sides.
Which could be the sides of a parallelogram?
It is B because a parallelogram has 2 pairs of opposite, equal sides.
If you cut a square into 2 identical triangles, what type of triangles will you make? Use 2 names.
isosceles, right
What quadrilateral is both a rectangle AND a rhombus?
Classify this polygon in the most SPECIFIC way.
Classify this polygon in the most SPECIFIC way.
Why is a rectangle NEVER a square?
A rectangle does NOT have congruent (equal) sides.
Why is a square ALSO a rectangle?
A square has 2 pairs of parallel sides and 4 right angles...just like a rectangle.
Which describes BOTH triangles?
It is D because ALL triangles have at least 2 acute angles. It's the third angle that classifies or names it.
Classify this triangle by its sides and angles.
Scalene, Right (See the square corner?)
Classify this triangle by its sides and angles.
Isosceles, Right
Classify this triangle by its sides and angles.
Equilateral, Acute
Chase said he can draw an equilateral obtuse triangle. Is he correct?
Chase is not correct because equilateral triangles have only acute angles.
Triangles can be classified by the length of their ________ and the measure of their ________.
sides, angles