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Child Development

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are two techniques you should implement when reading to a child?
Answers will vary
The children's parents are leaving, what are three questions you want to ask before they leave you with their children?
Answers will vary
Prior to accepting a babysitting job, what are three details you need to obtain from the parents to determine whether you want to take the job or not
Answers will vary
When heating a bottle, you should check if it is warm on your...
What three areas do you always need to support on an infant?
Head, Neck & Back
Which age group tries dressing themselves, but needs help putting clothes on.
Which age group does small tasks, such as washing their hands before meals by themselves.
Which age group can grasp objects between their thumb and index finger.
What is parallel play?
When a child plays alongside another child but no interaction or engagement happens between the two children.
At which age group do children begin cooperative play.
At which age group do children learn a few simple words such as "dada" and "hi"
You should always put a baby to sleep on their....
How old is an infant?
Birth- 1 year old
How old is a Toddler?
1-3 years old
The first time you babysit for a family you should arrive at least _______ early.
10-15 minutes
True or False: All children grow and develop at the same rate.
Toddlers don't cry every time they fall because they are....
Name four foods that are deemed a choking hazard by the Academy of Pediatrics until the age of four.
Answers will vary
Which area of development involves the development of large and small motor skills.
Physical Development
Which area of development leads to children understanding what is right and wrong.
Moral Development
Which area of development involves children interacting with one another, make friends, and share toys.
Social Development
Which area of development is dealing with a person's emotions and feelings
Which area of development is dealing with a person's mental and thinking ability.
Intellectual Development
Name the 5 areas of development
Physical, Emotional, Moral, Social, Intellectual
A way of discouraging behavior.
The understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen or heard.
Object Permanence
Picking up an object between your thumb and index finger.
Pincer Grasp
The task of teaching a child which behavior is acceptable and which is not.
The lifelong commitment of caring for children and helping them grow and learn.