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Past simple questions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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you/ a bone/ Did/ break/ last year?
Did you break a bone last year?
you/ shower/ Did/ have/ morning/ this?
Did you have a shower this morning?
Were/ angry/ you/ yesterday?
Were you angry yesterday?
breakfast/ Did/ running/ go/ you/ before?
Did you go running before breakfast?
at home/ you/ yesterday/ Were/ evening?
Were you at home yesterday evening?
get/ up/ you/ Did/ 6 am/ before?
Did you get up before 6 am?
you/ Did/ last week/ sports/ play?
Did you play sports last week?
last week/ museum/ visit/ a/ you/ Did?
Did you visit a museum last week?
you/ bed/ 10 p.m/ Were/ in/ at?
Were you in bed at 10 p.m. yesterday?
you/ do well/ English/ Did/ on/ test/ your/ last?
Did you do well on your last Engish test?
swimming/ Did/ go/ yesterday/ you?
Did you go swimming yesterday?
you/ Were/ very/ last week/ ill?
Were you very ill last week?
cereal/ have/ breakfast/ you/ Did/ for/ this morning?
Did you have cereal for breakfast this morning?
a movie/ you/ did/ see/ weekend/ last?
Did you see a movie last weekend?
Did/ school/ you/ yesterday/ go/ to?
Did you go to school yesterday?
you/ Did/ yesterday/ TV/ watch?
Did you watch TV yesterday?