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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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….. your grandmother live in San Giovanni in Fiore?
DOES your grandmother live in San Giovanni in Fiore? NO, SHE DOESN'T
….. animals eat every day?
DO animals eat every day? YES, THEY DO
….. she take a shower?
DOES she take a shower? NO, SHE DOESN'T
......Lisa and Lucy sing ?
DO Lisa and Lucy sing ? NO, THEY DON'T
.......we watch TV ?
DO we watch TV ? NO, WE DON'T
.....Mary dance?
DOES Mary dance? NO, SHE DOESN'T
...... Luca work?
DOES Luca work? NO, HE DOESN'T
….. she brush her teeth 20 times a days?
DOES she brush her teeth 20 times a days? NO, SHE DOESN'T
….. a cat like chocolate?
DOES a cat like chocolate? NO, IT DOESN'T
….. they swim every weekend?
DO they swim every weekend? YES, THEY DO
.... my brother and I study every day?
DO my brother and I study every day? YES, WE DO
….. he work?
DOES he work? YES, HE DOES
….. dog run?
DOES dog run? YES, IT DOES
….. Jim and Jack play the guitar?
DO Jim and Jack play the guitar? YES, THEY DO
….. they play football every week?
DO they play football every week? YES, THEY DO
….. she drive a car?
DOES she drive a car? YES, SHE DOES