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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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James has so far delivered zero cr_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ acc_ _ _ _ ed classes..... but he tries!
James has so far delivered zero critically acclaimed classes..... but he tries!
Ruben has st_ _ _ f_ _ _ ings regarding the need for regular assessment in our schools.
Ruben has STRONG FEELINGS regarding the need for regular assessment in our schools.
We haven't practiced s _ v _ _e damage, or g_ _ ve concerns - so this question is worth 25 points!
We haven't practiced s _ v _ _e damage, or g_ _ ve concerns - so this question is worth 25 points!
Given the impressive intellectual capacity of the players, I would imagine there must be some pretty st_ _ _ _ c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n for the podium!
Given the impressive intellectual capacity of the players, I would imagine there must be some pretty strong competition for the podium!
Recently there has been a c _ _ _ _ d_ _ _ _l_ i_ _ _ _ _ _ in the number of dull questions, due to a l _ _ _ of time and imagination on the part of the teacher.
Recently there has been a CONSIDERABLE INCREASE in the number of dull questions, due to a LACK of time and imagination on the part of the teac
Since you are h_ _ _ _ _ l _ _ _ _ _ to get this one right, I'm only going to give you 10 points.
Since you are h_ _ _ _ _ l _ _ _ _ _ to get this one right, I'm only going to give you 10 points.
Few classmates took Carlos up on his offer to assist during the exam, due to the h _ _ _ c_ _ _ of the service.
Few classmates took Carlos up on his offer to assist during the exam, due to the HIGH COST of the service.
Idoia's HHHHHHHello's have been st_ _ _ _ _ _ cr_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by her malevolent teacher..
Idoia's HHHHHHHello's have been STRONGLY CRITICISED by her malevolent teacher.
Daniel is famed for his ex_ _ _ _ _ ve kn_ _ _ _ _ _ _ of pencil sharpeners.
Daniel is famed for his extensive knowledge of pencil sharpeners.