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Business Problem-Solving

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Work-Life Balance: Employees are struggling to maintain a healthy work-life balance, leading to stress and decreased productivity. Discuss potential solutions...
Environmental Concerns: The company has been criticized by the public for its environmental impact, particularly in terms of waste and energy use. Discuss how the company can adopt greener practices...
Employee Turnover: The company is experiencing high employee turnover, which is affecting team stability and productivity. Discuss what might be causing employees to leave and how the company can improve retention...
Office Relocation: The company is relocating to a new office across town, and many employees are unhappy about the longer commute. Discuss how management can make the transition easier...
Difficult Client: A particular client is extremely demanding, frequently changing their requirements at the last minute, and is difficult to please. Discuss how to manage this relationship better...
Budget Overrun: The budget for a current project has been exceeded by 20%, and the project is only halfway completed. Discuss strategies for avoiding this in the future...
Missed Meeting: A key team member frequently misses important meetings, which affects the team’s ability to make decisions. Discuss how to address this issue...
Team Conflict: Two team members have been arguing frequently over how tasks should be completed, and it’s starting to affect the rest of the team. Discuss how to mediate the situation...
Client Complaint: A long-term client has complained about the quality of recent work. They’ve mentioned that the last two projects didn’t meet their expectations. Discuss how to address the client's concerns...
Missed Deadline: Your team was supposed to deliver a project to a client by Friday, but a team member missed the deadline. As a result, the client is upset. Discuss how to prevent future delays...