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Noun Ninja

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give proper noun for : language
marathi , hindi, english, urdu etc
Give proper noun for : days
Sunday, Friday, Monday ....
Give proper noun for : restaurant
Mc D, Barbeque Nation, KFC , ITC ......
Give proper noun for : person
Dalai Lama, Dr Baba Amte, Malala Yousufzai, Raja Ram Mohan Roy etc
Give proper noun for : school
LWS,Goenka, Sri Ma, SES, etc
Give proper noun for : City
Thane , Pune, Kalyan , .....
Give proper noun for : clothes
Allen Solly, H&M , Levis, Gini and Jonny, etc
Give proper noun for : Actor
SRK, Irfan Khan, Akshay kumar, Amitabh bacchan ....
Give proper noun for : Planet
Earth, Mars,Saturn, jupiter ......
Give proper noun for : mountain
himalayas, Kilimanjaro, Mt Everest , Kailas ........
Give proper noun for : building
Lodha Amara, Neelkanth Heights, Lodha Grandiose, ........
Give proper noun for : cheese
cheddar, mozarella, parmesan .......
Give proper noun for : car
Audi, BMW, Hyundai, Maruti .......
Give proper noun for : woman
Sunita, Reeva, Barkha, Madhavi......