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Exam Booster KET Speaking Part 1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you like reading books? - Yes, I do. I borrow books from the ................ every month.
Where do you do sport? - I usually go running in the ................ every afternoon.
What’s your favourite film? - I don’t like films. I prefer watching plays at the ................ .
How often do you go to the ................ ? - I do my food shopping there every Friday.
What are you doing tomorrow afternoon? - I’m having a surfing lesson at 3 p.m. with my friend at the ................ .
Where do you usually meet your friends? - We often spend the whole day in the ................ , but we never buy anything!
shopping centre
in / I / often / my friends / meet / the evening / .
I often meet my friends in the evening.
the / never / do / cooking / I / at home / .
I never do the cooking at home.
rides / dad / a motorbike / My / sometimes / to work / .
My dad sometimes rides a motorbike to work.
at / I / the house / usually / leave / half past eight / .
I usually leave the house at half past eight.
I / tired / the evening / in / sometimes / am / .
I am sometimes tired in the evening.
English / always / classes / I / on Mondays / have / .
I always have English classes on Mondays.
is / sunny / in / It / the summer / usually / .
It is usually sunny in the summer.
often / on / pizza / We / Saturdays / eat / .
We often eat pizza on Saturdays.
reads / brother / My / comics / always / .
My brother always reads comics.
early / never / get up / I / at / the weekend / .
I never get up early at the weekend.