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B2 - Family Phrasal Verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It doesn't matter what the situation is, he usually ______________ it __________ in the end.
works (it) out
When Thomas has a problem, he often _______________________ a few ideas before he finds the correct solution.
tries out
On weekday mornings, on the other hand, she's up at up at 6 am as she has to _________________for school soon after that.
set off
My friend loves the weekend because she can get up late and just ______________.
chill out
But at least I now know what to ____________________ so that I can avoid making the same mistakes.
look out for
When I think about my childhood, I ______________ all the silly things I did.
look back at
Martin is clever. He always _______________ good suggestions.
comes up with
I know I can __________________ Martin if I've got a problem.
depend on / rely on
I really hope I __________________ her so that I can make a living out of art too.
take after
My mother is a really good artist. I've always _______________ her because I've always known she's talented.
looked up to
Now that I'm a bit older, we've started to really _______________ as we seem to agree and understand each other better.
hit it off
I used to ___________ with my cousins all the time when I was younger, mostly because I didn't agree with their opinions.
fall out