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mosquitoes and dengue

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If the dengue alert banner in your neighbourhood is green, you do not need to take any precautions against dengue. (True or False)
Only female mosquitoes spread the dengue virus.
If you get bitten by a female Aedes mosquito, you will definitely get infected with the dengue virus. (True or False)
Describe how the dengue virus is spread.
When a female Aedes mosquito infected with the dengue virus bites a human.
List 1 precaution that you can take to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes.
apply mosquito repellant, wear long-sleeved clothing, spray insecticide
Describe 2 measures in place (by the government) to prevent the spread of dengue in Singapore.
house inspections, releasing male mosquitoes, banners to raise awareness, fogging, promotion of the 5-step Mozzie Wipeout
Describe the 5-step Mozzie Wipeout.
1) turn the pail 2) tip the vase 3) flip the flowerpot plate 4) loosen the hardened soil 5) cap bamboo pole holders
Which type of mosquito spreads the dengue virus?
Aedes mosquito (female)
Name 4 symptoms associated with dengue.
fever, nausea, vomiting, skin rash, joint and muscle pain/ache, bleeding from the nose or gums, headache with pain between the eyes
Other than dengue, name another disease that is spread by mosquitoes.
Malaria, Zika, Yellow Fever, West Nile Virus