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[ECHS] P3 - Picture Telling

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say something about this picture using your own words!
The Bear family said no when Goldilocks tried to help.
Say something about this picture using your own words!
The Bear family was laughing.
Say something about this picture using your own words!
Goldilocks got panicked.
Say something about this picture using your own words!
The baby bear saw Goldilocks on his bed.
Say something about this picture using your own words!
The Bear family got shocked with their messy beds.
Say something about this picture using your own words!
The Bear family got shocked with the broken chair.
Say something about this picture using your own words!
The Bear family got shocked with their eaten porridge.
Say something about this picture using your own words!
Goldilocks tried all beds.
Say something about this picture using your own words!
Goldilocks was so tired.
Say something about this picture using your own words!
Goldilocks found a blanket near the stairs.
Say something about this picture using your own words!
Goldilock tried 3 chairs and broke one of them.
Say something about this picture using your own words!
Goldilocks found a cushion.
Say something about this picture using your own words!
Goldilocks tried all porridges.
Say something about this picture using your own words!
There were 3 porridges on the table.
Say something about this picture using your own words!
One day, Goldilocks found a home in a forest.