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okrašena keramična majolka
a decorated ceramic wine pitcher or a decorated ceramic jar
rogaški kristal
Rogaška glass-ware or Rogaška crystal
miniaturni kolovrat
miniature spinning wheel
miniaturni vinski sod
miniature wine barrel
miniaturna zibelka
a miniature cradle
steklenica slivovke
a bottle of plum brandy
rudarska svetilka
a coal miner's lamp
lectovo srce
a honeybread heart
poslikana panjska končnica
a painted beehive panel
glasbena skrinjica
a music box
lutka v narodni noši
a doll dressed in national costume
svečnik iz kovanega železa
a wrought-iron candlestick
a wicker bottle
blejska kremšnita
Bled cream cake
trojanski krofi
Trojane doughnuts
žlinkrofi (small boiled dumplings filled with potatoes, onions and lards)
the Goldhorn
vojvodski prestol
the Duke's Stone Throne
sečoveljske soline
the salt-pans at Sečovlje
Ribniška suha roba
the Ribnica woodcraft and basketwork
Postojnska jama
the Postojna cave
orehova potica
walnut roll
rdeči nagelj
the red carnation
the brown bear
the Lipica horse, the Lipizzaner
the kozolec - the hayrack
Julijske alpe
the Julian Alps
Idrijske čipke
Idrija lace
the button accordion
antična Ljubljana
Emona - (ancient) Roman Ljubljana
kraška jama Divje babe
the cave Divje babe
bučno olje
pumpkinseed oil
Človeška ribica
the human fish (cave salamander)
Ajdovi žganci
buckwheat porridge
Partizanska bolnišnica Franja
the Franja Partisan Hospital