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Advanced grammar U2 Saints and Sinners

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I thought she ... everything by our arrival, but I was wrong. would have prepared/ would be preparing/ would prepare
would have prepared
All the problems ... be solved during yesterday's meeting. would /were to/ were about to
were to
I ... the report when I noticed some alarming details. was to sign /was about to sign /would sign
was about to sign
The concert ... at 5 p.m. but in fact it started 3 hours later. would start/ had to start / was due to start
was due to start
Action in progress We knew that in a week's time we ______________ (lie) on the beach
would be lying
I was sure that Kate ___________ by the time I arrived would leave |/would be leaving / would have left
would have left
I ___________ to the party, but Peter made me come wouldn't go /wasn't going to go /wasn't going
wasn´t going to go
Peter decided he ______ to France on holidays will go /would go |/went
would go
Complete the sentence >> They were going to ..., but ... .
(possible answer) They were going to get married, but he lost his job.
Complete the sentence >> I was about to ... when ...
(possible answer) I was about to leave when the rain began.
Rewrite the sentence using the word in parentheses so that the meaning stays the same >> He had a plan to start a business. (going to)
He was going to start a business.
Rewrite the sentence using the word in parentheses so that the meaning stays the same >> We expected him to arrive soon. (would)
We thought/assumed he would arrive soon.
Rewrite the sentence using the word in parentheses so that the meaning stays the same >> I was sure we would find the wallet. (bound)
We were bound to find the wallet.
Rewrite the sentence so it contains BY THE TIME Susan booked out before we got to her hotel.
By the time we got to the hotel Susan had booked out.
Rewrite the sentence so it contains- BE Diana wasn´t always as rude as that.
Diana didn´t use to be as rude as that
Rewrite the sentence so it contains ALWAYS Paul had the irritating habit of making trouble
Paul was always making trouble.
Rewrite the sentence so it contains : GOING I intended to call you yesterday, but I forgot.
I was going to call you yesterday but I forgot
Pauline has changed a lot. She didn´t always use to look / wasn´t always looking like that.
didn´t always use to look
Narrative tenses : I ... (not sleep) well for weeks, so I ... (decide) to go and see my doctor.
I hadn´t been sleeping well for weeks, so I decided to go and see my doctor.
Correct it : I´m use to driving a big car.
I´m used to driving a big car.
Correct it : When I was a kid I would love dancing.
When I was a kid I used to love dancing.