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Adjectives ending with -ing -ed

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Don't be FRIGHTEN____. We're not going to hurt you.
Don't be FRIGHTENED. We're not going to hurt you.
A good massage will relax your TIR___ muscles.
A good massage will relax your TIRED muscles.
It was the most FRIGHTEN___ experience of my life.
It was the most FRIGTENING experience of my life.
The whole experience was very DEPRESS___
The whole experience was very DEPRESSING.
We were very SURPRIS___ at the result.
We were very SURPRISED at the result.
The ANNOY___ thing is he's usually right.
The ANNOYING thing is he's usually right.
Steve flies home tomorrow - we're all really EXCIT___
Steve flies home tomorrow - we're all really EXCITED.
I feel more REALX___ about my career than I used to.
I feel more RELAXED about my career than I used to.
The Lakers' loss in the playoff was very DISAPPOINT____
The Laker's loss in the playoff was very DISAPPOINTING.
Are you BOR____ with your present job?
Are you BORED with your present job?
Her husband is about the most BOR___ person I've ever met.
Her husband is about the most BORING person I've ever met.
I was deeply SHOCK___ by JO's death.
I was deeply SHOCKED by Jo's death.
We've always been INTREST____ in fashion.
We've always been INTRESTED in fashion.
The garden was often used by the target for a short RELAX___ walk.
The garden was often used by the target for a short RELAXING walk.
I find swimming so RELAX___
I find swimming so RELAXING.
Most locals are DISGUST____ by the anti-foreigner violence.
Most locals are DISGUSTED by the anti-foreigner violence.
The situation is extremely WORR___
The situation is extremely WORRING.
She was ANNOY___ with Duncan for forgetting to phone.
She was ANNOYED with Duncan for forgetting to phone.
People are DISAPPOINT___ by the lack of political change.
People are DISAPPOINED by the lack of political change.
The anger in his face was SHOCK____
The anger in his face was SHOCKING
I'm really WORR____ about my brother.
I'm really WORRIED about my brother.
Smoking is a really DISGUST___ habit.
Smoking is a really DISGUSTING habit.
I must get some sleep - I'm EXHAUST____
I must get some sleep - I'm EXHAUSTED
By the time they reached the summit they were EXHAUST___
By the time they reached the summit they were EXHAUSTED.
They looked EMBARRASS___ when I asked them where they'd been.
They looked EMBARRASSED when I asked them where they'd been.
I've got some very EXCIT___ news for you.
I've got some very EXCITING news for you.
The boy was FRIGHTEN___ to speak
The boy was FRIGHTENED to speak.
It's AMAZ___ how often you see drivers using mobile phones.
It's AMAZING how often you see drivers using mobile phones.
The journey was really TIR____
The journey was really TIRING.
We've all had a long TIR___ day.
We've all had a long TIRING day.
We were too SHOCK___ to talk.
We were to SHOCKED to talk.
Rubbish was piled everywhere - it was DISGUST___.
Rubbish was piled everywhere - it was DISGUSTING.
She asked a lot of EMBARRASS___ questions.
SHe asked a lot of EMBARRASSING questions.
I'm totally DISGUST___ with your behaviour.
I'm totally DISGUSTED with your behaviour.
She's got some very INTREST___ things to say on the subject.
She's got some very INTRESTING things to say on the subject.
Dad seemed more DISAPPOINT____ than angry.
Dad seemed more DISAPPOINTED than angry.
Going into hospital can be very FRIGHTEN____ for a child.
Going into hospital can be very FRIGHTENING for a child.
The divorce left him deeply DEPRESS____
The divorce left him deeply DEPRESSED.
I was so TIR___ when I got home from work last night.
I was so TIRED when I got home from work last night.
It had been an EXHAUST____ day.
It had been an EXHAUSTING day.
It's SHOCK___ that hospitals can deny help to older people.
It's SHOCKING that hospitals can deny help to older people.
What a DISAPPOINT___ result.
What a DISAPPOINTING result.
Speaking as a mother of four, I can tell you that children are EXHAUST____
Speaking as a mother of four, I can tell you that children are EXHAUSTING.
She seemed RELAX___ and in control of the situation.
She seemed RELAXED and in control of the situation.
The movie was BOR___. I fell asleep.
The movie was BORING. I fell asleep.
She finds opera BOR____
She finds opera BORING.
He's an AMAZ____ player to watch.
He's an AMAZING player to watch.
They told me a really SURPRIS____ thing.
They told me a really SURPRISING thing.