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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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List 5... reasons people move out
noisy neighbours, polluted city, crowds, traffic jams, small house, old house, work reasons, becoming a millionaire ...
List 5... things that cause pollution
exhaust fumes, factories, noise, lights, methane , clothing industry, food industry ...
List 5... reasons you boil water
to make tea, to make coffee, to remove a stain, to scald some tomatoes, to make broth, to shrink clothes...
List 5... reasons to block someone online
They ask for money, it's a bot, it's a hater, I hate them, they're harassing me, it's my ex ...
List 5... musicals
Annie, Grease, Cats, Beauty and the Beast, Moulin Rouge, Elvis, Les Miserables, Chicago, West Side Story
List 5... reality tv shows
Big brother, Too hot to handle, master chef, love island, Jersey Shore ...
List 5... things you can stir
coffee, soup, stir-fry, smoothie, slushie
List 5... things people share on the internet every day
pictures, links, news, comments, likes and dislikes, stories, opinions
List 5... things you install
a software, a programme, a game, an anti-virus, an app, a tent...
List 5... situations where people feel embarrassed
burping in front of others, a stain on your clothes, falling down, falling off your bike, snoring on a flight
List 5... things you can wrap
a present, a cat in a blanket, a sandwich, a burrito, kebab ...
List 5... things you can shake
milkshake, head, rattle, body, cocktail, salt or peeper shaker, ketchup, shaving cream ...
List 5... apps that use the camera
instagram, snapchat, WhatsApp, FaceTime, skype, TikTok ...
List 5... situations people feel proud
being praised, getting good grades, people looking at you, getting compliments ...
List 5... things you can tie
tie, knot, rope, lasso, bow, cable, cord, rubber band ...
List 5... bad passwords
12345, memememe, abcdef, password1 ...
List 5... things that are difficult to share online
Feelings, emotions, summer pictures, pictures of your younger self, political views ...
List 5... things people search on the internet every day
News, gossip, cats, homework, wikipedia facts, timetables, photos ...
List 5... drama series
Gilmore girls, Big little lies, Suits, house of dragon, Riverdale, Lost, Euphoria...
List 5... types of computer file
.gif, .exe, .bmp, .jpeg, .pdf, .txt...
List 5... situations where people feel disappointed
a friend cheated, failed a test, the picture doesn't match reality, a friend ghosts you...
List 5... tings you switch on every day
switch, Tv, Phone, tablet, kitchen appliance, lamp, charger...