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FCE COMPLETE - UNIT 2_Leisure and pleasure - PHR ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The children made a huge mess, but their mother was in a good mood, so they were ____________ easily! - SENT OFF / LET OFF?
let off
We should _____________ if we don't want to miss the train!! - LEAVE OFF / SET OFF?
set off
The Olympic Games have been _____________ until the next year. What a shame! - PUT OFF / GONE OFF?
put off
Don't believe what he says! He doesn't have 5 girlfriends! He is just _______________! - SPEAKING UP / SHOWING OFF?
showing off
They said that the bomb _____________ right next to a school. Poor children! - WENT OFF / WENT UP?
went off
The building's electricity was ____________ because the owners didn't pay the bills. Now we have to read by candlelight! - CUT DOWN / CUT OFF?
cut off
You have been talking about your date for an hour. Could you just ______ it ____ so we can watch The Crown?! - SUM UP / PICK UP?
sum (it) up
Uffff....I don't want to go to the gym today! I will have to _____________ an excuse to tell my gym buddy! - GIVE UP / MAKE UP?
make up
Martha _______ that story ____! She NEVER dated Rafael Nadal! - SPOKE UP / MADE UP?
made (that story) up
I am thinking about _____________ my own business. I am tired of being an employee. - OPENING UP / STARTING UP?
starting up
All the dishes are in the dishwasher. You should ______________ the dishwasher. - START UP / TURN UP?
start up
I think I have gained too much weight. My mum told me to _____________ a sport. Nice, isn't it?! - START UP / TAKE UP?
take up
Thomas wanted to go out with me and pay for my dinner. So I ______ him _____ on his offer. - PUT UP / TOOK UP?
took (him) up
I am tired of football and ballet. I should ______________ a new hobby. - TAKE UP / GIVE UP?
take up