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Thanksgiving Trivia

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In a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, which character invites themselves over for dinner? Linus, Snoopy, Lucy, or Peppermint Patty
Peppermint Patty
In the TV show Friends, they play football on Thanksgiving Day. Ross and Monica are competing for a trophy. What is on the trophy?
Troll doll
How many NFL games are played on Thanksgiving Day?
How many days did the first Thanksgiving last?
What Month is Thanksgiving celebrated in Canada?
What is the most popular Thanksgiving pie?
Which 2 NFL teams ALWAYS play on Thanksgiving Day?
Detroit Lions and the Dallas Cowboys
How many calories are there in an average Thanksgiving Day dinner? 1500, 3000, 4500, 6000
Who is the Greek goddess of the harvest?
Which Christmas movie begins on Thanksgiving Day with the Macy's famous parade?
Miracle on 34th Street
Where do wild turkeys like to sleep?
in trees
On the TV show Friends, which character accidentally got a turkey stuck on their head?
What type of meat was served at the first Thanksgiving?
In a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, what does Charlie Brown serve to his friends for dinner? Need to name one of the foods
jelly beans, toast, popcorn, pretzels, or ice cream
How many feathers does a full grown turkey have? 500, 3500, 7000, or 10,500