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Compare the Animals

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Compare these two animals
Well done!
Compare these two animals
Good job!
Which one is longer?
The dinosaur is longer.
Which animal is bigger? The penguin or the seal?
The seal is bigger.
Which animal is cleaner?
The cat is cleaner.
Compare these two animals
Which animal is older? The monkey or the lion cub?
The monkey is older.
Which animal is heavier?
The tortoise is heavier.
Which animal is bigger?
The dolphin is bigger.
Which animal is faster?
The kitten is faster.
Which animal is smaller?
The frog is smaller.
Which animal is longer? The dog or the dolphin?
The dolphin is longer.
Which animal is older?
The dog is older.
Compare these two animals
Nice job!
Which animal is slower?
The tortoise is slower!