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Adverbs of frequency

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We are good in English. ALWAYS
We are always good in English.
My grandma takes the dog for a walk. HARDLY EVER
My grandma hardly ever takes the dog for a walk.
Answer: How often does your mum cook the dinner?
e.g. She never cooks the dinner.
Answer: How often do you take out the rubbish?
e.g. I always take out the rubbish.
Answer: How often do you tidy your room?
e.g. I sometimes tidy my room.
She washes up. RARELY
She rarely washes up.
Do you dust the furniture? OFTEN
Do you often dust the furniture?
I sweep the floor. SOMETIMES
I sometimes sweep the floor.
I cook the dinner. NEVER
I never cook the dinner.
My dad is busy. ALWAYS
My dad is always busy.
They take out the recycling. NEVER
They never take out the recycling.
My mum feeds the cat. RARELY
My mum rarely feeds the cat.
I don't clean the car. USUALLY
I don't usually clean the car.
My homework isn't easy. ALWAYS
My homework isn't always easy.
He doesn't do the shopping. USUALLY
He doesn't usually do the shopping.
Henry vacuums the floor. SOMETIMES
Quasar sometimes vacuum the floor.
My brother is late. ALWAYS
My brother is always late.
I and my brother don't tidy our room. OFTEN
I and my brother don't often tidy our room.
I feed the cat. NEVER
I never feed the cat.
She does her homework. ALWAYS
She ALWAYS does her homework.