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Revision - 5th grade
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where's the dog?
It's between the (two) cats.
Say three sentences about Prebold.
There's a school next to ...
I'm very hungry. Oh, really? _______ _______ _______ a banana? Yes, please.
Would you like
_______ _______ any apples in the basket?
Are there
Put _______ of _______ in a bowl.
a cup milk
_______ the cake in the oven for one _______.
Bake hour
These _______ can live in food and make us ill.
What a _______! Please, tidy up your room.
Describe your room in three sentences.
There's ... There are ... I've got ... My room is ...
Do you like these jeans, Timi? No, I don't, mum. They're _______.
Just a _______! I'm coming.
In my room, there's a big blue ...
bed/wardrobe/closet/rug ...
We can make old _______ and _______ into new glass.
bottles jars
We can make metal from _______ into new metal.
When we recycle, we take rubbish and make it into ...
new things.
Where's my Teddy-bear? Look _______ your bed.
Do you like _______ orange chair over there?
A rug is another word for a ...
carpet (or a mat)
The woman is sitting in the ...
rocking chair.
She's wearing ...
Name ten body parts!
head, shoulders, knees, toes, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, arms, legs, feet, hands, elbows, ankles, chin, cheeks, hair, beard, moustache, finger, toe, thumb, ...
The opposite of happy is ...
It's winter. She's _______, so her _______ are red.
cold cheeks
My sister's got _______ eyes and _______ _______ _______ hair.
green/brown/blue/grey long/short/middle length ... brown/black/blonde/red/ginger ... straight/curly/wavy