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3rd TERM - Optimise B1

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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complete a course, often at college or university
an area of study, like maths, English or history
an African animal with a very long neck
someone at school but not someone at university
a very large animals that lives in the ocean
the kind of school you go to aged 11-18
secondary school
Correct of incorrect: It's half past eleven, so Alysia's piano lesson should finish by now.
should finish => should have finished
Correct of incorrect: It must has been amazing to see lions in the wild.
must has been => must have been
The party was a great _____! Everyone had a wonderful time. (SUCCEED)
It's important that we look after the _____ world. (NATURE)
'Where were you going when I saw you?' the policeman asked me.
The policeman asked me where I had been going when she had seen me.
Change the following sentence into the reported speech: 'Have you ever been to the zoo before?' the zookeeper asked us.
The zookeeper asked us if/whether we had ever been to the zoo before.
'What are you doing this evening?' my best friend asked me.
My best friend asked me what I was doing that evening.
'I've been learning the guitar for over a year,' Luca said.
Luca said he had been learning the guitar for over year.
'You'll see lots of animals on safari,' the guide said.
The guide said we would see lots of animals on safari.
'You have half an hour to do the test,' our teacher said.
Our teacher said we had half an hour to do the test.
Sanjay missed a week of school and he fell _____ the others.
Will you please go _____ the plan just one more time?
Did your sister drop _____ halfway through her medical degree?
You're doing very well. Keep _____ the good work!
Every year, many orangutans end _____ losing their habitat due to deforestation.
Please don't forget to hand your homework _____ on Monday morning.
Ben's so mean! It's time someone taught him a _____.
(teach someone a) lesson
Once you _____ the ropes, this job isn't very difficult.
learn (the ropes)
Tim loves reading and he's always got his _____ in a book.
(have/get your) nose (in a book)
I'm sure we can find a solution if we put our thinking _____ on.
(put our thinking) caps (on)
Lena's a very good student and she often passes tests with flying _____.
(with flying) colours
We have to learn 100 words by _____ before Monday!
(learn by) heart
Rewrite the sentence using reported speech: 'My cousin may come to the school production,' Tina said.
Tina said her cousin might come to the school production.
'Andy can explain it to you,' Pasha said to us.
Pasha told us Andy could explain it to us.
'I'm watching an interesting documentary now,' Liam said.
Liam said he was watching an interesting documentary then.
'We must finish our maths homework tonight,' Alicia said.
Alicia said they had to finish their maths homework that night.
'Lucy and Helen will help me with my art project,' said James.
James said Lucy and Helen would help him with his art project.
'We're going to visit the science museum tomorrow,' Mr. Cox said.
Mr. Cox said they were going to visit the science museum the next day.
'My best friend doesn't like writing essays,' Tim said.
Tim said his best friend didn't like writing essays.
Rewrite the sentence using reported speech: 'I can't come to the school dance,' Sarah said.
Sarah said she couldn't come to the school dance.
Our teacher said that she _____ correct our essays.
He said that he had enrolled in the course two weeks _____.
Katy said she _____ to space camp the previous month.
had gone
Tina told me she was going to study for an exam _____.
that night
We said to our teacher that we would finish the project _____.
the following day
The head teacher said that she _____ see me then.
Ray said he had handed in his essay _____.
the day before
I said to Jodie that she _____ to revise for the maths test.
The art teacher said he was busy _____.
at the moment
at that moment
Julia said to her friends that she _____ to summer camp.
was going
is going
Leah said she had been having canoe lessons since the summer before.
'I have been having canoe lessons since last summer,' Leah said.
Alina said she had gone to the same camp that year as the year before.
'I went to the same camp this year as last year,' Alina said.
Luke said he was feeling better then he had made a few friends.
'I'm feeling better now I've made a few friends,' Luke said
Ryan said he'd never been to a summer camp before.
'I've never been to a summer camp before,' Ryan said.
'You'll love it here,' Fatima said to me.
Fatima said to me that I would love it there.
: 'I can cook really well after a few lessons,' Joshua said.
Joshua said he could cook really well after a few lessons.
Somebody should check your hearing - You
You should have your hearing checked
Someone is going to program his new TV - He
He is going to have his TV programmed
Someone will repair my bike - I
I will have my bike repaired
A postman delivers my newspaper every week. - I
I have my newspaper delivered every week.
A doctor is going to examine my back. - I
I'm going to have my back examined.
Somebody robbed Mr. Jenkins's shop last night. - Mr. Jenkins _____ last night
Mr.Jenkins had his shop robbed last night.
The dentist should remove my wisdom tooth. - I_____
I should have my wisdom tooth removed.
They delivered a lot of packages to my neighbours yesterday. -My neighbours ___________ yesterday.
My neighbours had a lot of packages delivered yesterday.
Someone usually mends my mother's shoes when they are damaged. - My mother usually __________.
My mother usually has her shoes mended.
Can your dad give us a lift to the cinema? Someone is fixing my dad's car. - My dad ______ his car ______.
My dad is having his car fixed.
My grandmother is cooking a big meal for me this Saturday. -  I _______ a big meal ______by my grandmother.
I am having a big meal cooked by my grandmother.
Someone cleaned my dad's best suit last weekend. My dad ______ his best suit _____ last weekend.
My dad had his best suit cleaned last weekend.
How often do you ____ your teeth ______(check)?
How often do you have your teeth checked?
I'd like to book an appointment to _____ my hair _____ (dye) please.
I'd like to book an appointment to have my hair dyed please.
I ___ a beautiful new dress ____ (make)
I had a beautiful new dress made.
 When was the last time you ____ your photo ___ ? (take)
When was the last time you had your photo taken?
I go to the optician's once a year to test my eyes. I like to ___ my eyes ____ once a year.
I like to have my eyes tested once a year.
You can't come in. Some professional cleaners are cleaning the offices. We ____ the offices ____
We are having the offices cleaned.
UberEats delivers food to our apartment every Friday night. We ____ food _____ every Friday night.
We have food delivered every Friday night.
 We ___ the patio ___ during last summer. (paint)
We had the patio painted during the summer
Someone painted my nails last week. -  I ____________ last week.
I had my nails painted last week.
 So someone is repairing my laptop. I _____________. 
I am having my laptop repaired.
His hair is too long. -  He _________ (will / cut)
He will have his hair cut.
If she ______________ (go) to university, she ______________ (study) French.
If she had gone to university, she would have studied French.
If she ______________ (go) to art school, she ______________ (become) a painter.
If she had gone to art school, she would have become a painter.
They ______________ (be) late if they ______________ (not / take) a taxi.
They would have been late if they hadn't taken a taxi.
She ______________ (not / meet) him if she ______________ (not / come) to London.
She wouldn't have met him if she hadn't come to London.
I ______________ (call) you if I ______________ (not / forget) my phone.
I would have called you if I hadn't forgotten my phone.
We ______________ (come) if we ______________ (be) invited.
We would have come if we had been invited.
She ______________ (not / do) it if she ______________ (know) you were ill.
She wouldn't have done it if she had known you were ill.
He ______________ (be) on time if he ______________ (leave) earlier.
He would have been on time if he had left earlier.
We ______________ (not / get) married if we ______________ (not / go) to the same university.
We wouldn't have got married if we hadn't gone to the same university.
If I ______________ (be) born in a different country, I ______________ (learn) to speak a different language.
If I had been born in a different country, I would have learnt to speak a different language.
If they ______________ (go) to bed early, they ______________ (not / wake) up late.
If they had gone to bed early, they wouldn't have woken up late.
If we ______________ (arrive) earlier, we ______________ (see) John.
If we had arrived earlier, we would have seen John.
If the Titanic ___________ (not sink), they ______________ (not make) that terrible film!
If the Titanic hadn't sunk, they wouldn't have made that terrible film!
I __________ (give) you a present if I ___________ (know) it was your birthday.
I'd/I would have given you a present if I'd/I had known it was your birthday.
If I'd known you were in hospital, I _______________ (visit) you.
I'd/I would have visited you.
I __________ (believe) you if you hadn't lied to me before.
I'd/I would have believed you
We _________________ (not get) wet if you _________________ (not lose) the umbrella
We wouldn't have got wet if you hadn't lost the umbrella.
_____________ he ___________ (succeed) if I hadn't helped him?
Would he have succeeded
If it __________ (not snow), we _____________ (carry on) skiing.
If it hadn't snowed, we'd/we would have carried on skiing.
If John ______________ (not eat) so much at the party, he __________________ (not be) sick.
If John hadn't eaten so much at the party, he wouldn't have been sick.
I wouldn't have fallen asleep in the exam if I ________________ (go) to bed earlier the night before.
I wouldn't have fallen asleep in the exam if I'd/I had gone to bed earlier the night before.
If you'd woken up earlier, we ___________________ (not miss) our flight.
If you'd woken up earlier, we wouldn't have missed our flight.
If he ________________ (be) on time for his wedding, his bride wouldn't have been so angry!
If he'd been/had been on time for his wedding, his bride wouldn't have been so angry!
If you'd told me about it, I _________________ (do) something about it.
If you'd told me about it, I'd/I would have done something about it.
She _____ champion if the hadn't practised for years
wouldn't have become
would have become
would become
wouldn't become
My parents wouldn't have let me go to the show if I _____ on my own.
had been
would be
What would you _____ if you had been me in that situation?
have done
It would have been a good film if the acting _____ better.
had been
has been
I _____ you if I had known you had a problem.
would have helped
would help
If we _____ in the last second, we would have lost the match.
hadn't score
didn't score
don't score
I'm sure the players _____ (not/start) celebrating before the match _____ (be) over.
won't start, is
Don't worry - I _____ (look after) your bike while you _____ (shop).
will look, are shopping
They _____ (continue) with the match once it _____ (stop) raining.
will continue, stops
As soon as we _____ (arrive) at the cinema, I _____ (buy) you some popcorn.
arrive, will buy
I _____ (keep) trying until I _____ (learn) how to skateboard perfectly.
will keep, have learned/learn
When we _____ (get) to the beach, we _____ (call) you.
get, will call
I don't know whether to _____ athletics or yoga this year.
I'm sorry but I won't be _____ to go to the cinema this evening.
Will your mom and dad _____ you to go to the concert on your own?
How long have you been _____ gymnastics?
Correct or incorrect: If tonight's match isn't on TV, we [would listen] to it on the radio.
would listen => will listen
What are my ______ winning the lottery?
chances of
A lot of people like that _____ but I think her books are uninteresting
The _____ of that show really annoys me, he just isn't funny!
The ______ forgot his guitar on the train and was devestated!
My parents took me to this boring _____ on holiday last year
museum / art gallery
I hate when some _____ thinks they can do anything because they're famous
Who's your favourite hollywood _____ ?
We went to a brilliant music ____ last year
The actress fell off the ____ and hurt her leg!
_____ the music, I can't hear myself think!
Turn down
The school is going to ____ a musical next week
put on
I went to the film that ____ yesterday
came out
Please ___ I'm trying to think!
shut up
who goes up mountains
who can balance and jump well
who does gymnastics
who does athletics
on a bike but not a horse
on a horse or a bike
who judges a match
who leads sports team
who plays computer games
in a football/basketball team
As soon as Sarah lifts the trophy, the crowd cheers/will cheer
will cheer
When/as soon he reached the stadium, Jack bought the tickets
Mary won't enter the competition when/until she is completely ready
Before you will start/start running, you should warm up slowly
When I am/will be running the marathon, could you pass me some water?
what would you do if your favourite team ____ the final?
will reach
I won't run in the marathon ____ I get a free t-shirt
Who will take penalty if we ____ one?
will get