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CAE Cambrigde Practise p.79

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How does Sally feel about her success as a short story writer?
She hasn't had much success so far, but it suits her personality better.
What career might Sally have pursued if she hadn't read Techno?
She might have ended up working in software development.
What were the main character's views in Techno about technology?
What technology can and can't do.
How did Techno influence Sally's career choices?
It made her aware that her obsession with technology wouldn't help her achieve her life goals and encouraged her to become a short story writer instead.
What does Sally believe is the surest way to learn?
To tackle stuff that really gets your brain working.
What has Sally loved since she learned to read?
What is Sally's favorite book?
Techno by Nat Jones.
What did Jack learn was essential for authors from reading A Life?
To be extremely well-read before creating anything themselves.
What subjects did James Melville have knowledge in, according to Jack?
Languages, history, and various other areas of study.
How did reading A Life change Jack's reading habits?
It made him realize the importance of being well-read and led him to avoid bestsellers.
What is A Life about?
It's about James Melville's own life and the books that shaped him as a writer.
What is the title of Jack's favorite book?
A Life.
Who is the author of Jack's favorite book?
James Melville.
How has Points to Consider influenced Ana's academic choices?
It influenced her choice of degree course at university.
Why does Ana value Points to Consider despite its complexity?
It provided her with fresh insights into philosophy and changed how she thinks about things.
Does Ana often recommend her favorite book to others?
No, she hardly ever mentions it.
What does Ana admit about her favorite book?
It's far too long and quite complex.
Why did Ana read her favorite book initially?
It was required reading for a philosophy assignment.
What is Ana's favorite book?
Points to Consider by John Meadows.
How did reading sci-fi affect Tomasz's writing?
It had a profound effect and influenced his fiction writing.
What surprised Tomasz about Ursula Waters' book?
The author's sense of wonder and how she made everything seem interesting and mysterious.
How did Tomasz initially feel about the sci-fi genre?
He was not usually a fan and didn't think he'd appreciate it much.
Where did Tomasz find his favorite book?
In a second-hand bookshop.
What genre is Tomasz's favorite book?
Who is the author of Tomasz's favorite book?
Ursula Waters.