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CAE Cambridge Practise p.74

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why is finishing the Dakar Rally considered a major achievement?
Finishing the Dakar Rally is considered a major achievement due to the race's extreme challenges and difficulties.
What happens if drivers do not complete the stage?
If drivers do not complete the stage, they spend an uncomfortable night with various hazards.
What do drivers aim to complete each day?
Drivers aim to complete a particular stage each day.
What happens if competitors get lost?
If competitors get lost, they have to find their way back to the route.
What do competitors use to navigate during the race?
Competitors use a map with comprehensive instructions to navigate.
What obstacles might drivers encounter during the race?
Drivers might encounter obstacles, skidding, crossing rivers, and breakdowns.
Why must drivers not lose concentration during the rally?
Drivers must not lose concentration because the conditions are challenging and unpredictable.
How long is the route of the Dakar Rally?
The route is around 10,000 kilometers long.
What was Amber's reaction to seeing the vehicles start the race?
Amber was amazed and thought it was incredible.
What is a time trial in the context of the Dakar Rally?
A time trial is where each vehicle is timed, and the fastest to complete the route is the winner in each category.
What did Amber initially not understand about the start of the race?
Amber initially didn't understand why the vehicles set off one by one.
What were the teams doing the day before the race?
The teams were making last-minute repairs and preparations.
What was the atmosphere like the day before the race?
There was a definite tension in the air.
How did Amber first become interested in the Dakar Rally?
Amber became interested after catching the launch of the race while on holiday.
What makes participating in the Dakar Rally expensive?
Investing in spare parts, fuel, and other supplies makes it expensive.
Do you need to be a professional rally driver to take part in the Dakar Rally?
No, you do not need to be a professional rally driver, but experience in difficult conditions helps.
Why do the vehicles need to be heavily adapted for the Dakar Rally?
The vehicles need to be adapted to withstand the journey's tough conditions.
What types of vehicles can be used in the Dakar Rally?
Motorbikes, two- or four-wheel drives, and trucks can be used in the Dakar Rally.
What vehicle have Amber and her dad been working on?
Amber and her dad have been working on an old jeep.
Who does Amber follow the race with?
Amber follows the race with her dad.
Why does the Dakar Rally appeal to Amber?
The challenge and toughness of the Dakar Rally appeal to Amber.
What types of terrain do participants in the Dakar Rally have to cope with?
Participants have to cope with desert, mud, and rocks.
How long does the Dakar Rally run for?
The Dakar Rally runs for 15 days.
What race does Amber want to participate in?
Amber wants to participate in the Dakar Rally.
What is Amber's passion?
Motorsports are Amber's passion.