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Advanced Passive structures

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete in passive (+perfect modal): The building (must/design) by a famous architect.
must have been designed
Transform into passive: The company offered John a job and a signing bonus.
A job and a signing bonus were offered to John by the company. John was offered a job and a signing bonus by the company.
Transform into passive: He offered us a ride to the airport.
A ride to the airport was offered to us by him. We were offered a ride to the airport by him.
Transform into passive: They were looking after the children while we were out.
The children were being looked after while we were out.
Complete in passive:The manuscript ......... (expect/finish) by the author soon.
is expected to be finished
Complete in passive: The project ......... (need/complete) by the end of the week.
needs to be completed
Transform into passive: The manager called off the meeting.
The meeting was called off by the manager.
Transform into passive: They turned down my application for the job.
My application for the job was turned down by them.
Transform into passive: The teacher wasn't shouting at the students.
The students weren't being shouted at by the teacher.
The presentation....... (would/be) ready on time if the graphics department had provided the necessary materials.
would have been ready
The financial report ........ (could/complete) by the accountant if he had more time.
could have been completed
He doesn't mind ...... (interrupt) during work.
being interrupted
She doesn't like .... (criticize) in public.
being criticized
The coronavirus pandemic....... (widely, believe, have started) because of a man who ate a bat.
is widely believed to have started
Our car isn't where we parked it. It.....(must/steal)
must have been stolen
Put this cream to avoid .......(bite) by bugs.
being bitten