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G5 SF6 Review2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Read it in 30 seconds.
Read it in 30 seconds.
Read it in 30 seconds.
Read it in 30 seconds.
Where's the supermarket?
It's next to the tea shop. 或 It's on Freen Road.
Where's the park?
It's next to the library. 或 It's on Fun Street.
How do you spell?
Where's the bookstore?
It's next to the park.
How do you spell?
How do you spell?
How do you spell?
How do you spell?
post office
How can we get to the library?
We can get there by bus.
We can get there on foot.
We can get there by metro.
Which is correct? 何者正確?
A: Where’s the hospital? B: It’s on Apple Road.
A: Where’s the post office? B: It’s on Apple Road.
A: Where’s the park? B: It’s on Apple Road.
Can I get to the zoo by bike?
No, you can’t. You can get there by car.
No, you can’t. You can get there by bike.
Yes. You can get there by bus.
How can I get to the hospital?
You can get there by metro.
It’s next to the hospital.
I’m going to the hospital.
Can we get to the supermarket by scooter?
Yes, we can.
Yes. I can get there by car.
No, we don’t.
Where’s the bookstore?
It’s on Zoo Road.
It’s a supermarket.
I’m going to the post office.
Where are you going?
I’m going to the supermarket.
I can get there by car.
I’m cooking.
A: Can I get to the library by bus? B: No, you can’t. You can get there by _____.
A: _____ can we get to the zoo? B: We can get there by bus.
A: How can I get to the supermarket? B: You can get there on _____.
A: Can we get to the hospital by train? B: Yes, we _____.
A: Can we get to the park _____? B: Yes, we can.
正確說出: beat, boat, meat, moat
beat, boat, meat, moat
正確說出: not, note, mode, mod
not, note, mode, mod
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glue, glow, glay, glee
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try, tray, why, way