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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This biome is located near the equator and can be extremely hot and dry. Animals are mostly nocturnal here, because of the heat.
Located near the north and south poles, this biome is very cold most of the year and gets less than 10 inches of precipitation each year.
Located closer to the poles, this biome has lots of evergreen trees and very cold winters.
This biome has very few trees, but rich soil, providing a home for animals such as bison, zebra, and giraffe.
Located near the equator, this biome is very warm and has lots of rain.
Mid-latitude biome where trees lose their leaves each year.
Deciduous Forest
70% of the world is made up of this saltwater biome.
A biome located inland, made of freshwater
Lakes or Ponds
Where saltwater and freshwater meet
A large community of plants and animals with a similar climate.
The living and non-living objects in an environment.