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3° ADOL English Plus 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does your dad never do at the weekend?
He never ....s
What does your mum always do on Saturday?
She ...
What are your friends doing now?
They are ...
What did you eat yesterday?
I ate ....
Describe his routine.
Present simple
Describe her routine.
Present simple
Describe the picture.
Tell me what you did last weekend.
Past simple (+ and -)
What did he do last Sunday?
He helped at home, visited his grandparents,then he watched TV and after that, he played football.
What did he do last Saturday?
He bought a bike, he did exercise and then he wrote a letter.
What couldn´t he do when he was a boy?
He couldn´t ride a bike.
What could he do when he was little?
He could sing.
Who is the most intelligent?
Michelle (short)
Michelle is THE SHORTEST
Compare William and Fred (handsome)
William is more handsome than Fred.
Compare Claire and Fred (old)
Fred is older than Claire
Peter, what were you doing when the accident happened?
I was riding my bike.
What were Steve and Amanda doing when the accident happened?
They were talking.
What was Joy doing when the accident happened?
She was eatin an icecream
What are your parents and siblings doing now? (20")
present continuous
Tell me about a typical weekend. (20")
sentences about weekend using present simple
Describe your house (20")
Sentences about your house
Tell me about your family (20 seconds)
sentences about family
What are your plans for this weekend?
.... going to ....
What are your plans for the weekend?
...going to...
Make a prediction
Make a prediction