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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the base word in the word 'protected'?
What is the suffix in the word 'respectful'?
What is the base word in the word 'jumping'?
In the word 'thing', why is 'ing' not considered a suffix?
When the 'ing' is removed, there is no base word left.
Give me 5 words containing suffix [-less].
many possible answers
Give me 5 words containing suffix [-ful]
many possible answers
Give me 5 words containing suffix [-ing].
many possible answers
Give me 5 words containing suffix [-es].
many possible answers
Give me 5 words containing suffix [-s].
many possible answers
Give me 5 words containing suffix [-ed].
many possible answers
What is the meaning of suffix [-less]?
without / don't have
What is the meaning of suffix [-ful]?
full of / a lot of
What is the meaning of suffix [-es] for nouns?
more than one / plural
What is the meaning of suffix [-s] for nouns?
more than one / plural
What is the meaning of suffix [-ing]?
continuous action
What is the meaning of suffix [-ed]?
past tense
What are 5 suffixes that you know?
s / es / ing / ed / ful / less
Which of these words contains a suffix? ( dodge / tricks / switch )
Which of these words does not contain a suffix? ( smashed / helpful / witch )
Which of these words contains a suffix? ( badge / brushes / sang )
In which of these words is 'ing' working as a suffix? ( bring / catching )
Which of these is not a suffix? ( ful / less / dge )
Which of these is a suffix? ( ck / ed / tch )
What is a suffix?
letters we fix or add to the end of a base word to create a new word (and has a meaning)